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In With The New...And The Old.

Balancing old and new

Back to Nature With
“Nature’s Knight All Natural Products”

Back to Nature


Get Back to Nature

It’s interesting to think how much we use chemicals and how we have accepted the replacement of natural ingredients for synthetics, in everything, like the food we eat, clothing, healing remedies, and especially cleaning and pest control. It’s especially interesting to wonder why we resorted to using chemicals and how we struggle with getting ‘Back to Nature’.

Think about the scary ‘side effects’ which the use of chemicals has amounted to…the growth of super-bugs inside and outside the body, toxic waste which makes the earth and all of it’s inhabitants sick when exposed and so on.

Did this all happen because of the population explosion and increased technology? Partly, chemicals were created because they are a quick fix in this fast paced society. Sure enough, they are profitable! When did this cycle begin? How long will it be before we all join together to rid our world of toxins in the environment we all share? 

Admittedly, it is easier and faster to rid ourselves of pests in our home environment with pesticides and for many of us it has been easy to ignore the damage these toxins are producing…until we realize their effects.  

So, getting ‘Back to Nature’ is one of the most important themes of this day and age!

Be In Sync With Nature

Plants and animals, in nature, are in “sync” with one another. Animals are naturally drawn to beneficial plants and instinctively know not to eat certain plants and the plants, themselves, have a way of repelling insects or animals for their own survival.

It has been known that certain concentrations of oils derived from plants can deter bugs and rodents from entering and nesting in our homes, and we have learned to utilized the aromatic oils in plants to benefit us physically and emotionally, too.

These days, many people have realized the effects over-population have on our delicate eco-system and our health. A recent TEDTALK with Alanna Shaikh, who specializes in global health systems, spoke about the COVID-19 virus. She states that the corona viruses first originated in animals and that our close proximity to wild animals will make us vulnerable to their viruses. There is some controversy on this subject, which is ok, but Ms. Shaikh has a point about over-population and it’s infringement on nature. 

So How Do We Get Back To Nature?

Individually, we can adjust our way of life to be more ‘In Sync with Nature’. We all do our part in one way or another, but syncing with nature is a fairly new concept for much of the population. Nature is here for us to use, not abuse, and we seem to have forgotten this.

We are learning that chemicals are harmful to our health and that we should use natural products to protect ourselves from insect invasions, for cleaning and maintaining our bodies.

I don’t know about you, but in the past, it has not been easy to stop using unhealthy products that have been used for at least 50 years. Using chemicals is quick and easy…except, in the long run chemicals have been wreaking havoc, poisoning our bodies, our food and water and the earth. 

So, let’s find out about a certain plant based solutions which may be beneficial now, in the midst of COVID-19, the newest corona virus…

Coconut Oil 

In an article from Integrated Chemists of the Philippines in January 2020, ‘The Potential of Coconut Oil and its Derivatives as Effective and Safe Antiviral Agents Against the Novel Corona virus (nCoV-2019)’ says, “Coconut oil and its derivatives have been shown to be safe and effective antiviral compounds in both humans and animals.”

Nobody really talks much about using essential oils for viral exposure or to be specific, coconut oil and the wonderful properties that it has to offer in our pursuit to stay free of illness. The above, January 2020 article, “recommend(s) that virgin coconut oil (VCO) be considered as a general prophylactic against viral and microbial infection”.

This is just coconut oil we are talking about, out of so many other precious plants on the earth which are beneficial to us. Subscribe to Nature’s Knight for more information on natural ingredients and how we determine what goes into our Natural Products.

Join the Nature’s Knight Team in using Natural Products in the pursuit of healthy living.

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Get ‘Back to Nature’ and stay ‘In Sync’! Nature’s Knight makes it easy!

coconut oil

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